Work Package 0 - Project Management


The main objective of WP0 is to perform project monitoring, management, administration and reporting of the project in order to ensure technical consistency and achievement of the main project objectives. This is done through efficient and flexible day-to-day project management, which is flexible and inclusive to both other work package leaders and other project participants. The overall project time line is tracked, regular meetings are initiated and the communication between the partners is supported by this work package.

Description of activities and methods

To ensure efficient implementation and execution of the project, there are a number of specific activities which are undertaken by this Work Package. 

  • Project Management: Day-to-day management and coordination across work packages and partnering institutions. This includes project planning; conflict resolution; communication with and reporting to the funders (BMWi and EUDP) as well as the steering group; and overall risk assessment. 
  • Project meetings: Organization and follow-up from annual meetings with the consortium; regular steering committee meetings; WP leader meetings; and other meetings when needed.
  • Development of roadmap: Development of roadmap for the long-term goal of applying Digital Twins to blades in operating turbines over their entire life cycle.
Work Package Leaders / Contact

Kim Branner and Willi Wroblewski