Work Package 10 - Dissemination & Commercialization


The objective of WP10 is to secure that project results are disseminated and that the technology developed and demonstrated in the project will be commercialized. This WP is created to manage the dissemination, communication and exploitation preparation. Aspects covered by the WP include

  • Overall dissemination & communication
  • Public website and communication of project progress and results, with a focused effort towards target groups and entry points
  • Internal project communication
  • Planning of dissemination & communication activities, including a list of targeted conferences and journals where RELIABLADE results will be disseminated
  • Planned project level activities in international symposia, conferences and other events

This WP also manages the whole process up to final market introduction/commercialization of the technologies developed. This description of market-oriented activities, marketing the technology, sale, collaboration, etc. will be coordinated from the WP.

Work Package Leaders/Contact

Kim Branner/Willi Wroblewski